Compiling ISCE with autoRIFT

Compiling ISCE with autoRIFT

Start by cloning this gpu build repository:

git clone -b gpu-build https://github.com/pymonger/isce2.git


Then follow these instructions:

cd isce2

docker build --rm --force-rm -t hysds/isce_giant -f docker/Dockerfile .



Probably start by linking to the first tutorial: https://aria.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ARIA/pages/27099187/Local+TopsApp+Docker+Run

Insert this above: I’ve been using the standard (i.e. non-CUDA) Dockerfile in the gpu branch you mentioned. I modified that Dockerfile to load autoRIFT by adding the following lines immediately after the line “ && cd isce2 \”:

 && cd contrib \  && git clone https://github.com/leiyangleon/autoRIFT.git \  && cd .. \




Notes about ariamh - change isce.sh, mount settings.conf, etc.

git clone https://github.com/aria-jpl/ariamh.git

When the dockerfile finishes building the image, it will report the docker_image_id. Use that to run the container:

docker run -ti --rm -v /Users/YOURPATH/.ssh:/home/ops/.ssh -v /Users/YOURPATH/ARIA/data/work:/home/ops/data/work -v /Users/YOURPATH/ARIA/data/work/jobs:/home/ops/data/work/jobs -v /Users/YOURPATH/ARIA/data/work/tasks:/home/ops/data/work/tasks -v /Users/YOURPATH/ARIA/data/work/workers:/home/ops/data/work/workers -v /Users/YOURPATH/ARIA/data/work/cache:/home/ops/data/work/cache:ro -v /Users/YOURPATH/ARIA/.netrc:/home/ops/.netrc:ro -v /Users/YOURPATH/ARIA/.aws:/home/ops/.aws:ro -v /Users/YOURPATH/ARIA/repos/ariamh:/home/ops/ariamh -v /Users/YOURPATH/ARIA/topsapp/settings.conf:/home/ops/ariamh/conf/settings.conf:ro -w /home/ops/data/work <docker_image_id>


ARE THESE NEXT COMMANDS NEEDED? # Install pip using advice from here: https://www.liquidweb.com/kb/how-to-install-pip-on-centos-7/

curl "https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py" -o "get-pip.py"

python get-pip.py


chown ops ~/ariamh/interferogram/sentinel/

cd ~/ariamh

grep -rl "/usr/bin/python3" . | xargs sed -i 's/\/usr\/bin\/python3/\/usr\/bin\/env python/g'

grep -rl "/etc/profile.d/isce.sh" . | xargs sed -i 's/\/etc\/profile.d\/isce.sh/$HOME\/ariamh\/isce.sh/g'

OKAY THINK I FIXED THE httplib2 problem with this command:

sudo /opt/conda/bin/pip install httplib2

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