Displacement Time Series using S1-GUNW-MERGED with GIAnT

Displacement Time Series using S1-GUNW-MERGED with GIAnT

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Related files:

  • giant_time_series/scripts/create_filtered_gunw_merged_stack.py

  • giant_time_series/scripts/create_filtered_gunw_merged_stack.sh

  • giant_time_series/scripts/create_displacement_time_series.py

  • giant_time_series/scripts/create_displacement_time_series.sh

Filtered GUNW Merged Stack


The filtered GUNW-MERGED stack dataset (filtered-gunw-merged-stack) is primarily the HDF5 RAW-STACK.h5 and PROC-STACK.h5 outputs of GIAnT's PrepIgramStack.py and ProcessStack.py, respectively. Prior to running these PGEs, a first-order filtering step is performed to filter out GUNW-MERGED whose track don't match those specified. Additionally, GUNW-MERGED are filtered whose reference bounding box contains no data that pass the coherence threshold or which do not cover the region of interest.


  1. In tosca interface, draw bounding box on the region of interest.

  2. Facet on the S1-GUNW-MERGED dataset.

  3. Facet on the dataset version (currently: v2.0.2).

  4. Facet on the track number.

  5. Click on On-Demand.

  6. For Action, select `GIAnT - Create filtered GUNW-MERGED stack [<version>].

  7. In the parameters section below, ensure track matches the track you initially faceted on. This ensures that S1-GUNW-MERGED products for other tracks are filtered out in case the user failed to facet down to them.

  8. Populate ref_point.

  9. Adjust other parameters accordingly.

  10. Click Process Now.

Example of Facet on Tosca


  • RAW-STACK.h5.gz - gzip-compressed HDF5 file of the filtered stack of GUNW-MERGED

  • PROC-STACK.h5.gz - gzip-compressed HDF5 file of the filtered stack of GUNW-MERGED with atmospheric and orbit corrections applied

  • browse.png - visual browse of temporal connectivity

  • gaps.txt - record of any temporal gaps detected in the stack

  • create_filtered_gunw_merged_stack.log - verbose log which can be used to determine what GUNW-MERGED were filtered and why

  • filt_info.pkl - pickle file containing IFG and filter information

  • data.xml, sbas.xml - other inputs needed by downstream displacement time series PGEs


Displacement Time Series


The displacement time series dataset (displacement-time-series) is primarily the
HDF5 LS-PARAMS.h5 (for SBAS-inversion) and NSBAS-PARAMS.h5 (for NSBAS-inversion)
outputs of GIAnT's SBASInvertWrapper.py and NSBASInvertWrapper.py, respectively.


  1. In tosca interface, draw bounding box on the region of interest.

  2. Facet on the filtered-gunw-merged-stack dataset.

  3. Click on On-Demand.

  4. For Action, select `GIAnT - Create Displacement Time Series [<version>].

  5. In the parameters section below, select the inversion method: sbas or nsbas.

  6. Click Process Now.

Example of Facet on Tosca


  • LS-PARAMS.h5.gz or NSBAS-PARAMS.h5.gz- gzip-compressed HDF5 file of the displacement time series produced via the SBAS or NSBAS inversion method

  • browse.png - visual browse of initial time series step


  1. Open HDF5 in Panoply: File->Open.

  2. Double click on rawts (raw time series) or recons (reconstructed time series) variable.

  3. Select Create a georeferenced Longitude-Latitude plot. Click on Create.

  4. Zoom in to the region of interest. On MacOSX, hold down the command key while you click and drag a bounding box over the region of interest.

  5. Click on the Scale tab and set Scale Range Min. to -100 and Max. to 100. You can play around with the values.

  6. Click on the Arrays tab and cycle through the time slices by clicking the up arrow button.

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