Upstream Ancillary Ingest
Upstream Ancillary Ingest is the first subsystem in the processing pipeline. It manages keeping the SDS archive upto date with:
Orbits - precision and restituted
Calibration files
Why keep up?
Our pipeline is triggered by the ancillaries
SDS archive should always be in sync with SciHub
Failure to do so results in failure in processing pipeline
Advantage - At time of urgent response, we need not depend on uptime of external service as we have our own local metadata archive (GRQ acquisition index).
I presented the necessity of the Ancillary Ingest at ESIP Summer Meeting 2019. Here are the slides:
They may be helpful to understand the whole picture.
Related Github Repos and tickets
GitHub - aria-jpl/scihub_acquisition_scraper
GitHub - aria-jpl/s1_qc_ingest: Sentinel1 Quality Control File Ingest and Crawler