Data Accountability And Delivery Verification
standard product ops report (used for aws processing)
facet on the desired AOI in Tosca and submit the following job:
Standard Product S1-GUNW - AOI Ops Report [develop]
Result: an xlsx spreadsheet detailing the processing status of the AOI will be generated on factotum
facet on the job you submitted in figaro and wait for it to complete
view job
in the bottom left of the job and copy thejob_dir
ssh into factotum and cd to the
you copiedcd into the AOI_<…> directory and get the path of the xlsx file
scp the xlsx file to your local machine
how to analyze the ops report
for any missing ifg-cfg, make sure all SLCs from the corresponding acq-list are ingested
if they are, facet on any of the SLCs and run the
Standard Product S1-GUNW -acqlist_evaluator_ifgcfg [develop]
jobif not, ingest all missing SLCs by faceting on the corresponding acquistion-S1-IW_SLCs and running the
Data Sling and Extract for {asf,scihub} [devlop]
pgeas the SLCs are ingested, they will trigger the acq-list evaluator to run and produce an ifg-cfg
for any missing ifg, facet on the ifg-cfg and submit the
Standard Product S1-GUNW - topsapp [ARIA-581]
job in the correct, account-tagged queuefor any missing AOI-Track, determine if any S1-GUNWs in that track (same date-pair) are missing
if so, you need to generate the missing S1-GUNWs
otherwise, run the
Standard Product S1-GUNW - S1-GUNW Completeness Evaluator [develop]
job on any of the S1-GUNWs in that tracknote: if depending on how a topsapp job fails, the ifg can be blacklisted or graylisted…this effects AOI-Track generation and could potentially block publishing (graylisted products should not block publishing)
request ops report (used for HEC processing)
facet on the desired Request-S1GUNW in Tosca and submit the following job:
Request S1-GUNW - Ops Report [on_demand]
Result: an xlsx spreadsheet detailing the processing status of the Request-S1GUNW will be generated on factotum
facet on the job you submitted in figaro and wait for it to complete
view job
in the bottom left of the job and copy thejob_dir
ssh into factotum and cd to the
you copiedcd into the AOI_<…> directory and get the path of the xlsx file
scp the xlsx file to your local machine
how to analyze the ops report
for any missing runconfig-topsapp, make sure all SLC-locals from the corresponding runconfig-acq-list are ingested
if they are, facet on any of the SLCs and run the
Request S1-GUNW -runconfigacqlist_evaluator [develop]
jobmake sure
is set to runconfig-topsapp and not ifgcfg
if not, ingest all missing SLC-locals by faceting on the corresponding acquistion-S1-IW_SLCs and running the
Data Sling and Extract to File - {asf,scihub} [devlop]
pge in thespyddder-sling-extract-local-{asf,scihub}
queueas the SLC-locals are ingested, they will trigger the request acq-list evaluator to run and produce an runconfig-topsapp
for any missing ifg, facet on the runconfig-topsapp and submit the
Request S1-GUNW - topsApp-local - singularity [ARIA-446_singularity]
job in the correct, account-tagged queuenote: we plan to upgrade to the 581_singularity branch shortly
for any missing AOI-Track, determine if any S1-GUNWs in that track (same date-pair) are missing
if so, you need to generate the missing S1-GUNWs
otherwise, run the
Standard Product S1-GUNW - S1-GUNW Completeness Evaluator [ARIA-561]
job on any of the S1-GUNWs in that tracknote: if depending on how a topsapp job fails, the ifg can be blacklisted or graylisted…this effects AOI-Track generation and could potentially block publishing (graylisted products should not block publishing)
how to determine which products are delivered to asf
download all standard product ifgs from asf and output to csv file:
wget -O asf_gunws.csv ""
compare the ifgs in the ops report you generated against those in the csv file
contact Nick Arena for a jupyter notebook that does this comparison
if and ifg exists, but is not in asf, check if the ifg is part of an AOI-Track
if so, facet on the AOI-Track and run the following job:
Product Delivery of S1-GUNW-AOI_TRACK [develop]
Result: submits individual product delivery jobs of each ifg in the track
if not, the ifg will not be generated until all ifgs in the track are produced
how to determine which products are delivered to ARIA-Products
todo: ARIA-Products is currently down