Purge SLCs from a Given Track

Purge SLCs from a Given Track

To save s3 storage costs, it’s often economical to delete SLCs if they are not needed for immediate processing. Say you want to purge all SLCs from some mostly-completed AOI with id aoi_id and track number k. The following steps can be executed to do so:

  1. navigate to Tosca and search via the filter for aoi_id

  2. facet on the area_of_interest dataset

  3. click the box labeled “Query Region” under the aoi object

  4. remove the aoi_id string query and remove the dataset from the facet

  5. facet on the S1-IW_SLC dataset

    1. the facet is returning all SLCs that abide by the spatial constraints specified by the AOI

  6. in the filter box, add the query: metadata.trackNumber:k

    1. note most other datasets have the es tag metadata.track_number instead

  7. finally, submit the following on-demand job:

    1. Action: Purge datasets [develop-es1]

    2. Queue: system-jobs-queue


TODO: PGE and procedure for purging SLC-local objects staged on Pleiades.


Purge all except for a few SLCs for an AOI Track: After selecting an AOI’s geographic coverage through the steps above, select all but a handful of SLCs using this query. Submit the Purge datasets [develop-es1] job as indicated above, then follow progress in Figaro, e.g. this example


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