AOI Ops Report (Email)

AOI Ops Report (Email)

Related files: gen_ops_report_email.py

Github repo: GitHub - aria-jpl/standard_product_report: Generates intermediate products reports for GUNW standard products by input AOI

Current Github branch: https://github.com/aria-jpl/standard_product_report/tree/ARIA-24


Similar to the AOI Ops report (Standard Product S1-GUNW - AOI Ops Report) but instead of outputting an Excel file it emails 2 tables:

  • Current Product Status

  • Missing SLCs

It only outputs the products with missing IFG-CFG, SLC, and ACQ_IDS


Job spec and hysds-io files

(Warning: if you are running an on demand job, the arguments will be taken from _context.json)


  • removed "submission_type": "iteration", because we are generating one report for all AOIs

{ "label": "Standard Product S1-GUNW - AOI Ops Report (Email)", "enable_dedup": false, "params": [ { "name": "aoi_index", "from": "dataset_jpath:_index" } ] }



{ "command":"/home/ops/verdi/ops/standard_product_report/gen_ops_report_email.py", "imported_worker_files": { "/home/ops/.netrc": "/home/ops/.netrc", "/home/ops/.aws": "/home/ops/.aws" }, "disk_usage":"2GB", "recommended-queues": ["factotum-job_worker-large"], "soft_time_limit": 2000, "time_limit": 2800, "params" : [ { "name": "aoi_index", "destination": "context" } ] }


Positional Arguments

(If ran with python command)

Will be triggered with cron job

python gen_ops_report_email.py --aoi_index <elasticsearch index for AOIs>


Two tables are outputted per AOI track:

  • We only output the products that have missing data

  • Current Product Status

    • columns: date pair, acquisition_list, ifg-cfg, ifg and missing slc ids

  • Missing SLCs


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