S1-GUNW Ops Report

S1-GUNW Ops Report


Github repo: aria-hysds/ops_scripts: github repoJob Type

Job Queue



No input (Facet on the AOI)

needs date pair string: reads the aoi + datepair strings .txt file

Output Results

publishes product with AOI ops report in s3

each GUNW will have a hash in source.metadata (hashed on list of SLC_ID)

Change Log

2019-05-09: Justin Linick: I’ve pushed (release-20190509) a change the Ops Report and the Enumerator Report to include a product_generated_datetime in the product id. This is better design since the products are a snapshot, you don't have to worry about purging or clobber, and it naturally maintains history. I've also added a script in the ops_scripts that will submit all of the current Enumeration Report jobs, based on Davids Enumeration, using a text file of his aoi:date_pairs as input. All you have to do is run the script & it submits all the Enumeration report jobs.

How to Run

  1. log into Factotum

  2. cd /home/ops/verdi/ops/ops_scripts/submit_all_enumeration_comparison_jobs

  3. ./submit_ops_reports.sh


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