Submit an On-Demand Estimate Request

Submit an On-Demand Estimate Request

  1. navigate to the on-demand API GUI and log in

    1. https://mamba-factotum.aria.hysds.io/s1gunw-request-service/v0/ui/#/

  2. select the /request_s1gunw/estimate endpoint and click the box labeled “Try it out”

  3. modify the tags in the template with the following information provided by the scientist/customer making the request (make sure your formatting matches the template’s)

    1. pleiades group_id

    2. program_pi_id

    3. geojson (make sure the geojson contains no line breaks)

    4. for each enumeration strategy provide

      1. track number

      2. orbit_direction

      3. n_skip

      4. nearest_neighbor pairing

      5. start time

      6. end time

  4. click the box labeled “Execute”

    1. verify that API returns a status code 200

    2. verify in rabbitMQ or Figaro that enumeration jobs are being submitted and running

    3. record the Request-S1GUNW id that was generated in the AOI processing spreadsheet


KML data need to be converted to geoJSON data. One such tool that may be used may be found here: https://mapbox.github.io/togeojson

other data types such as KMZ can be converted to geoJSON here: https://mygeodata.cloud/converter/

to determine the orbit_direction, you can filter for an SLC in ASF (https://search.asf.alaska.edu)

  • set File Type to Single Look Complex (SLC)

  • set Beam Modes to IW

  • Set Path Start to the track number

  • locate an SLC that falls in your AOI and select it

  • the Flight Direction is the orbit_direction (in capital letters – need to use lowercase in request parameters)


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