ops guide for request on-demand s1-gunw on Pleiades
AOI Processing Plan
HEC Group ID allocations on Pleiades and their rabbitmq queues
HEC group id s2037
program_pi_id: ESI2017-owen-HEC_s2037
rabbitmq queue: standard_product-s1gunw-topsapp-pleiades_s2037
HEC group id s2252
program_pi_id: NISARST-bekaert-HEC_s2252
rabbitmq queue: standard_product-s1gunw-topsapp-pleiades_s2252
HEC group id s2310
program_pi_id: CA-HEC_s2310
rabbitmq queue: standard_product-s1gunw-topsapp-pleiades_s2310
PGEs that run on Pleiades job worker singularity
job type: job-request-s1gunw-topsapp-local-singularity:ARIA-446_singularity
job type: job-spyddder-sling-extract-local-asf-singularity:ARIA-446_singularity
job type: job-spyddder-sling-extract-local-scihub-singularity:ARIA-446_singularity
Job Metrics for pipeline
(Pleiades) job-request-s1gunw-topsapp-local-singularity:ARIA-446_singularity
(Pleiades) job-spyddder-sling-extract-local-scihub-singularity:ARIA-446_singularity
(Pleiades) spyddder-sling-extract-local-asf-singularity:ARIA-446_singularity
regex: ^(?!celery)
Repo of utils for Pleiades
GitHub - hysds/hysds-hec-utils: HySDS HEC Utilities
SSH Tunnel from mamba cluster to Pleiades head node
from mamba-factotum, run screen
comment, then inside the screen
session, ssh with tunnel to tpfe2 head node.
Basic use of screen
screen -ls
screen -U -R -D <screen_id>
screen -x <screen_id> # shared terminal
to split screen: ctrl-a and then shift-s
to detach screen: ctrl-a and then d
SSH tunnel is down
topsapp queues are stuck; jobs are not being unacked, but the queues are full
nothing reported in mozart/figaro – job,topsapp,job-started
Port checker shell script (in hysds-hec-utils repo) indicates that ports are not forwarded (all should give pass):
esi_sar@tpfe2:~/github/hysds-hec-utils> ./hysds_pcm_check_port_forwarded_tunnel_services.sh
[pass] mozart rabbitmq AMQP
[pass] mozart rabbitmq REST
[pass] mozart elasticsearch for figaro
[pass] mozart redis for ES figaro
[pass] mozart rest api
[pass] grq elasticsearch for tosca
[pass] grq http api
[pass] metrics redis for ES metrics
connect_to port 25: failed.
# [fail] factotum smtp http://tpfe2.nas.nasa.gov:10025
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
Note that the mail server failed to respond. (That’s nominal. Mail service no longer used.) The output above indicates nominal status.
from mamba-factotum, open screen
optionally, attach existing screen (32207, tagged pleiades)
ssh with tunnel to tpfe2 head node:
ssh tpfe2-tunnel
note the command is aliased:
alias pleiades='ssh tpfe2-tunnel'
sudo -u esi_sar /bin/bash
detach the screen (ctrl-a + d)
Auto-scaling job-workers singularity via PBS scripts
Run autoscaling for each group id in background mode with nohup
(no hangup), with max 140 nodes in total across all group idsesi_sar@tpfe2:~/github/hysds-hec-utils> nohup pbs_auto_scale_up.sh s2037 140 > pbs_auto_scale_up-s2037.log 2>&1 &
esi_sar@tpfe2:~/github/hysds-hec-utils> nohup pbs_auto_scale_up.sh s2310 140 > pbs_auto_scale_up-s2310.log 2>&1 &
esi_sar@tpfe2:~/github/hysds-hec-utils> nohup pbs_auto_scale_up.sh s2252 140 > pbs_auto_scale_up-s2252.log 2>&1 &
note: these commands are wrapped in the following shell script
esi_sar@tpfe2:~/github/hysds-hec-utils> ./all_pbs_auto_scale_up.sh <num_workers>
Daily purge of older job work dirs
Pleiades has allocated us a quota of 200 TB and 5000000 files. This script finds and deletes all files older than 3-days 2.1 days and under each of the group id worker directories.
that runs every night at 1:37am and 1:37pm Pacific Time:
esi_sar@hfe1:~/github/hysds-hec-utils> crontab -l
37 1 * * * /home4/esi_sar/github/hysds-hec-utils/purge_old_files.sh
37 13 * * * /home4/esi_sar/github/hysds-hec-utils/purge_old_files.sh
cat /home4/esi_sar/github/hysds-hec-utils/purge_old_files.sh
#!/usr/bin/env bash
find /nobackupp12/esi_sar/s2037/worker/ -type f -mtime +2.1 | xargs rm -f
find /nobackupp12/esi_sar/s2037/worker/ -type d -empty -delete
find /nobackupp12/esi_sar/s2252/worker/ -type f -mtime +2.1 | xargs rm -f
find /nobackupp12/esi_sar/s2252/worker/ -type d -empty -delete
find /nobackupp12/esi_sar/s2310/worker/ -type f -mtime +2.1 | xargs rm -f
find /nobackupp12/esi_sar/s2310/worker/ -type d -empty -delete
How to stop, flush, and restart production on Pleiades
stop auto-scaling scripts
revoke job type: job-request-s1gunw-topsapp-local-singularity:ARIA-446_singularity in mozart-figaro that are in running/queued states.
qdel all jobs
hysds-hec-utils/qdel_all.sh at master · hysds/hysds-hec-utils
qstat -u esi_sar | awk '{ if ($8 == "R" || $8 == "Q") print "qdel "$1; }' | sh
then nuke all of the work dirs for the three group ids:
retry all failed topsapp jobs / on-demand submit from runconfig-topsapp
start up auto scaling scripts