Elasticsearch Upgrade

Elasticsearch Upgrade

Version: 1.7 → 7.1

Big Changes

  • Only 1 type allowed in each index: _doc

  • Need to manually enable all field text searches

  • Removal of filtered since ES 5.0

  • Changes in the geo coordinates query

    • Note: {"type": "geo_shape","tree": "quadtree","tree_levels": 26} makes uploading documents slow, specifically "tree_levels”: 26

    • { "query": { "bool": { "filter": { "geo_shape": { "location": { "shape": { "type": "polygon", "coordinates": [[<coordinates>]] }, "relation": "within" } } } } } }
  • Removal of _all: { "enabled": true } type in indices so we cannot search for all fields


Running Elasticsearch 7 on EC2 instance

In order to expose port properly, we need to edit the config/elasticsearch.yml file

network.host: cluster.name: grq_cluster node.name: ESNODE_CYR node.master: true node.data: true transport.host: localhost transport.tcp.port: 9300 http.port: 9200 discovery.zen.minimum_master_nodes: 2 # allows UI to talk to elasticsearch (in production we would put the actual hostname of the uI) http.cors.enabled : true http.cors.allow-origin: "*"


Running Kibana on EC2 instance

Install Kibana in command line

curl -O https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/kibana/kibana-7.1.1-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz tar -xzf kibana-7.1.1-darwin-x86_64.tar.gz cd kibana-7.1.1-darwin-x86_64/

Edit the config/kibana.yml file to expose host


Index Mapping

Index: grq_v1.1_s1-iw_slc

What I did to update the mapping

  • create mapping called grq_v1.1_s1-iw_slc

  • copied example data into new ES index, using built in dynamic mapping to build initial mapping

  • mapping changes:

    • metadata.context to {"type": "object", "enabled": false}

    • properties.location to {"type": "geo_shape","tree": "quadtree"}

    • use type keyword to be able to use msearch:

      • "reason": "Fielddata is disabled on text fields by default. ... Alternatively use a keyword field instead."


  • PUT grq_v1.1_s1-iw_slc/_mapping

{ "properties": { "browse_urls": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "center": { "type": "geo_shape", "tree": "quadtree" }, "city": { "properties": { "admin1_code": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "admin1_name": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "admin2_code": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "admin2_name": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "alternatename": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "asciiname": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "continent_code": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "continent_name": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "country_code": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "country_name": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "dem": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "elevation": { "type": "long" }, "feature_class": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "feature_code": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "geonameid": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "latitude": { "type": "float" }, "location": { "properties": { "lat": { "type": "float" }, "lon": { "type": "float" } } }, "longitude": { "type": "float" }, "modification_date": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "name": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "population": { "type": "long" }, "timezone": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "continent": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 }, "dataset": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "dataset_level": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "dataset_type": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "endtime": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "id": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "images": { "properties": { "img": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "small_img": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "tooltip": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } } } }, "ipath": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "label": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "location": { "type": "geo_shape", "tree": "quadtree" }, "metadata": { "properties": { "archive_filename": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "bbox": { "type": "float" }, "context": { "type": "object", "enabled": false }, "data_product_name": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "direction": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "downlinkStart": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "downlinkStop": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "download_url": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "l0ProcessingStart": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "l0ProcessingStop": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "orbitCycle": { "type": "long" }, "orbitNumber": { "type": "long" }, "orbitRepeat": { "type": "long" }, "platform": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "postProcessingStart": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "postProcessingStop": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "processingStart": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "processingStop": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "sensingStart": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "sensingStop": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "sensor": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "trackNumber": { "type": "long" }, "version": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } } } }, "objectid": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "starttime": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "system_version": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "temporal_span": { "type": "long" }, "urls": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "version": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } } } }



Index: grq_v3.0_area_of_interest

  • PUT grq_v3.0_area_of_interest/_mapping

{ "properties": { "account": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "browse_urls": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "center": { "properties": { "coordinates": { "type": "float" }, "type": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } } } }, "city": { "properties": { "admin1_code": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "admin1_name": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "admin2_code": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "admin2_name": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "alternatename": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "asciiname": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "continent_code": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "continent_name": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "country_code": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "country_name": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "dem": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "elevation": { "type": "long" }, "feature_class": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "feature_code": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "geonameid": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "latitude": { "type": "float" }, "location": { "properties": { "lat": { "type": "float" }, "lon": { "type": "float" } } }, "longitude": { "type": "float" }, "modification_date": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "name": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "population": { "type": "long" }, "timezone": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } } } }, "continent": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "dataset": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "dataset_level": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "dataset_type": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "emails": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "endtime": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "id": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "ipath": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "label": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "location": { "type": "geo_shape", "tree": "quadtree" }, "metadata": { "properties": { "context": { "type": "object", "enabled": false }, "eventtime": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "username": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } } } }, "objectid": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "prov": { "properties": { "wasGeneratedBy": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } } } }, "starttime": { "type": "date", "format": "date_optional_time" }, "system_version": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "temporal_span": { "type": "long" }, "type": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "urls": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } }, "version": { "type": "text", "fields": { "keyword": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256 } } } } }


Index: grq_v2.0.2_s1-gunw

PUT grq_v2.0.2_s1-gunw/_mapping

{ "properties": { "browse_urls": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "center": { "properties": { "coordinates": { "type": "float" }, "type": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } } } }, "city": { "properties": { "admin1_code": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "admin1_name": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "admin2_code": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "admin2_name": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "asciiname": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "continent_code": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": "text" } } }, "continent_name": { "type": "keyword", "ignore_above": 256, "fields": { "raw": { "type": 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Related content