ISCE to StaMPS PS Time Series Processing (PGE)
Table of Contents
This guide will teach you to run a StaMPS PS time series PGE in a preconfigured HySDS cluster. This StaMPS PGE uses the output of the ISCE TopsStack Processor (PGE) as it's input (i.e. SLCs, geom_master, and baselines). The StaMPS PGE output files will then be used to produce a time series like the one shown below:
Running Hello World (HySDS)
Ensure that your HySDS cluster is up and running by logging into the MOZART instance and running:
sds status
If it is not running, run:
sds start all
Configure the docker_matlab repo as a new job type for continuous integration and deployment
sds ci add_job -b master s3
Navigate to your
instance (e.g. http://<your-ci-instance>:8080) to validate that the jenkins job was configured. You should see your jenkins job named as "container-builder_<your repo name>_<branch>" (e.g. container-builder_gmanipon_hello_world_master).Verify that the jenkins job runs to completion by manually scheduling a build. The jenkins job will build the docker image, publish it to your S3 code bucket, and register the job types into you HySDS cluster. Click on the green arrow and view the console output to validate.
Navigate to your
instance (e.g. http://<your-grq-instance>/search) and select “STACK” under the dataset section of the ARIA Facet Search Menu. Then select the co-registered stack you would like as your input for PS time series.Click on the "On-Demand" button. From the On-Demand screen, fill in the parameters as shown in the figure below (default values are shown in example) and click "Process Now":
Navigate to your
instance (e.g. http://<your-mozart-instance>/figaro)* to view your job. You can facet on it by looking for the "job-stamps:master" job-type along with your specific tag assigned to job. The job should go through the "Queued", "Started", and "Completed" states.From your completed job, click on the "work directory" link to view the live work directory. It should look similar to the output shown below:
With the work directory, use ps_plot_app_linux (follow readme.txt in link) to create a time series of the StaMPS output. Enjoy!