This checklist serves as a starting point toward identifying an operations process within the SDS team.
Where do we hear about urgent response events?
Earthquake events are published by USGS’s Product Distribution Layer (PDL
manual request - ????
Should we respond? Or will someone tell us?
What is the charge number and how much effort? (labor)
What are expectations for night and weekends? If anything requires intervention, can we wait till morning? Can we wait for Monday?
How do we plan for that?
What is the comp time?
Who do we "report to" regarding products?
Do we need to label them?
Do we need to send out email announcements?
PDL (Eric)
Hurricanes (Sang-Ho)
Fires (???)
Do we need to provide some kind of report? - no report needed, keep monitoring the SAR-avail
) to the #aria-sds slack channel if the events pass the M6.0 threshold. Even if they do pass the threshold, the operator should confirm support for the event is being requested via email. All other event types will require that an AOI be created manually – either by the scientist or operator.
PDL (Earthquakes): Eric Fielding (
Hurricanes/Floods: Sang-Ho Yun (
Fires: Sang-Ho Yun (
Several members of the aria-hysds team shall be WAM’ed continuously on a disasters-response account to allow for immediate response. Team members will make a best-attempt at supporting off-hours urgent response events, but cannot guarantee support will be available to respond to all off-hours events. ARIA management will be notified whether or not support will be provided, regardless.
Task Management
Urgent response events should have their own Jira ticket and team members should report efforts provided in support of the event in that ticket. Support for the events may change the scope of the sprint. Any tasks that were planned for the current sprint that can no longer be completed within the sprint as a result of accommodating urgent response will be pushed to the backlog. ARIA management will be notified of the scope change when the event’s affect has been properly assessed.
A wiki page shall be created under the Urgent Response header for each event. This page will contain a brief summary of the event (i.e. type, temporal span, etc.) and list the generated product types along with links to them. The Jira ticket created for the event should be linked to the wiki page to provide additional insight into the processing and effort that was provided.
The product generation PGE’s have corresponding email notification PGE’s that send an email to specified addresses when a product has been generated. The event scientists’ email will be added to the notification list if it is not there to ensure they are aware the products have been published.
Support for the complete temporal span of the AOI is often not requested. The operator will communicate with the event scientist to confirm whether or not this is the case. If support is stopped before the AOI expires, the AOI will be turned off and no future products for that AOI will be generated. The operator will then also confirm with the event scientist whether or not products may be deleted.
A debriefing of the event may be held during sprint planning to discuss support details.
Urgent response parameters:
How do we bookkeep processing?
Wiki page? (manual)
How do we bookeep workforce?
JIRA issues
WAM - have members be pre-wam’ed
What is the workforce price?
comp time
Manage expectations regarding operations support the rest of the week
When are we done?
Turn off AOI
Turn off automated rules
Clean up SLCS
What is the debrief process
Weekly operations tag-ups?
Operational scenarios?
Hurricane support
Earthquake support