Job | Product | Description | |
1 | Create event AOI (Add AOI) | area_of_interest | Creates an AOI with region coordinates, start_time, end_time, and event_time of event. |
2 | Acquisitions scraper | acquisition-S1-IW-SLC | Creates a metadata dataset of Sentinel-1 acquisitions ready for download from Scihub. |
3 | Multi acquisition localizer (Acquisition Localizer - Multi) | S1-IW_SLC | Based on faceting 'acquisition-S1-IW-SLC', submits spyddder-sling-extract jobs to localize SLCs into ARIA system. |
4 | SLCP MRPE (Sentinel-1 MRPE Registered SLC Pair) | S1-SLCP | Based on faceted SLCs, and AOI’s start, event and end times, pair SLCs to form SLCPs based on most recent pre-event scene and submits 'sentinel_rsp-singlescene' jobs. |
5 | slcp2lar (S1 Log Amplitude Ratio) | S1-LAR | 1 SLCP generates 1 LAR. Convert S1-SLCP products to Log Amplitude Ratios (LARs) for creating Flood Proxy Maps v1 (FPMv1). |
6 | lar2fpm (S1 FPM) | S1-FPM (per subswath) | Based on user’s manual threshold inputs, creates GeoTIFF dataset of flood maps, water-body mask, radar-footprints (burst-wise and sub-swath wise) and log_amps, log_ratio_amps, DEMs (sub-swath wise) |
7 | FPM packaging (S1 FPM Packaged) | S1-FPM-PKG (Final Product) | Based on user’s facet of S1-FPM (per subswath), stitches S1-FPMs and creates merged Flood Proxy Map in GeoTIFF, ESRI Shapfile and Google Earth KML format. |
8 | slcp2cod (S1 COD -Network Selector) | S1-COD | 2 SLCPs create 1 COD. Based on AOI (aoi_name input), finds intersecting SLCPs and based on AOI event time, pairs pre-event with post-event SLCPs to submit ‘S1-COD’ jobs. |
9 | cod2dpm (S1 COD) | S1-DPM (Final Product) | Based on manual facet of S1-CODs and user’s threshold, localizes all S1-COD subswaths, thresholds and stitch them to create merged Damage Proxy Maps in GeoTIFF and Google Earth KML format, rendered in 2 color schemes - `ytr` (normal viewing) and `blu`(colour-blind friendly viewing) |
Will need an additional job that sets up Trigger Rules for the following: